The new you

Sculpted Beauty

Skin & Cellulite treatment

How does Sculpted Beauty Work?

Sculpted Beauty uses advanced body remodeling and Anti-Age technologies.

The combination of revolutionary effective technologies provides a complete treatment for facial rejuvenation and body sculpting and tightening.

The combination of Vacuum patterns, rollers, RF, and IR energy work simultaneously and help to increase local blood and lymphatic circulation, treat cellulite, and combat fat deposits.

We apply vacuum and roller mechanical tissue manipulations to compress and stretch the skin, helping with slimming goals, increasing lymphatic drainage, promoting metabolism, and improving body silhouette.

Sculpted Beauty combines 5 technologies:


Vacuum Deep Tissue Massage


Anti-cellulite Roller Massage




Light Therapy



Our Mission

At Sculpted Beauty, our mission is to make you beautiful. With our specialized equipment and expert staff, we will give you long-lasting results that will make you feel like your best-self.


We use a proven process to target stubborn fat deposits, improve skin tone, reduce signs of cellulite, and improve local blood circulation and skin appearance.


I have worked in the fitness/health industry for 20 years, I have transformed hundreds of bodies and put many girls through fitness shows, I am passionate about building confidence for my clients!


I am so excited to be a part of the Sculpted Beauty team! I have been in the health and beauty industry for 5 years and I have a true passion for helping others have the best possible life!

Our Team

Our team is comprised of experienced professionals who are passionate about helping others look their best, and are dedicated to delivering exceptional customer service.

need financing?

Ask us how we can help you afford to look and feel your best!

Where to find us

Let's Get You Scheduled!